Student Power
Eric Moore describes the influence of student groups, including the African American Coordinating Committee.
Interview on 2017-05-17 00:00:00 -0400
I mean there was a concern on a lot of our part that students were not being-and, yeah, we would call it power back then
but I would say more student influence, because there would be decisions made that didn't necessarily seem to be in the best interest of the students
Student African American Coordinating Committee, decided we're having a black person in the homecoming parade,
and so one of our colleagues had a convertible, Mustang convertible, so it's now just a matter of strategically planning how you were going to break the parade line to get her in.
There were some clandestine meetings discussing how they were going to do it and I was getting concerned that again, knowing where we were, there might be a reaction that wasn't going to necessarily be favorable
to them trying to break into the parade and somebody feeling like, ah, we got to show you your place.
So I spilled the beans, quietly, to some administrators that this was being planned.
Well fortunately they responded with, okay; then we'll just put her in the parade. It wasn't an exclusionary thing but it was almost a case of, you know, we never really thought about this,
and I tended to find once I got inside that a lot of the decisions that were being made did not necessarily include student input
so what they decided didn't necessarily sit well with the students.
So I would like to think that the whole push in terms of student power was designed to listen to us,
we might have something that we could contribute to the situation, and I think that began to happen because
with Cathy [Sterling] and many that followed us as the "revolutionaries" there was still a constant push to listen to the students.
So all of those kind of came as part of the push for: Listen to us,
because we think we have something to contribute and we would prefer that you at least take our input and then if you make the decision, fine,
as opposed to making a decision without even checking with those that are going to be affected.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.