Student Government Handles Cheating
Ed Stack recalls the involvement of student leaders in the development of a student honor code in the early 1990s.
Interview on 2011-04-26 00:00:00 -0400
I remember at the time that it seems like Tom Stafford pulled together a group of student leaders to start talking about an honor code,
and as we went through that process it was very interesting to get people's input on that.
I think that it was very interesting, some of the dialogue that we had. People are very passionate about whether or not the work they do is theirs
so obviously anybody within student government--. And I like to think that the people who are involved in student government are at a very minimum at least as ethical as everybody else.
Hopefully they want to be standard bearers for being ethical students, and there again you could look at my GPA and probably tell that [Laughs] I wasn't cheating or if I was it was off the wrong people.
But I think that where we were was really we wanted to get student sentiment, we wanted to understand what people were thinking,
what the students were thinking, and then be good partners with the administration moving forward,
and if we felt like we could reach an agreement on an honor code I think we felt good with that.
We felt good with whatever it took to make sure that we were not cheating to the point where we got to an accusatory stance.
We don't want to walk into a classroom with the professor immediately thinking, okay, all you guys are going to cheat.
We want to walk in there, okay, none of you are going to cheat and I know that because you're ethical students, and I think that's probably where we were on that.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.