Student Body President: A Tremendous Impact
Judge Ronald E. Spivey recalls the influences that shaped his role in Student Government and the tremendous impact his time at NC State had on his judicial career.
Interview on 2015-12-15 00:00:00 -0500
But being student body president here was something that unquestionably influenced the rest of my life:
learning about campaigning; learning the importance of teamwork; learning the importance of being aware, the importance of listening more than talking; the relationships, the people that I was exposed to.
There were people that I would have never met had I not been student senate or student body president, folks like Bill Friday.
I always thought he was a great NC State alum and of course a great North Carolinian. I loved his leadership style and I continued to call him on a regular basis until we lost him.
Gov. Hunt, I see him frequently. Burley Mitchell, who turned out to be our chief justice, he was so important to me in trying to determine how to be a good judge, Jack Cozort, who was on the Court of Appeals.
It's just impacted my life in so many respects.
As I look back it was just sort of a natural progression for me, like, okay; I believe I'll run for student senate president.
I had no idea that that decision would have such a tremendous impact later in my life.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.