Serving as a Student Government Adviser

Former Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Evelyn Reiman describes some of the responsibilities associated with serving as the adviser to the NC State student body president.

Interview on 2012-04-26 00:00:00 -0400


00:00:00.000 Well I worked with the student senate when I first came,
00:00:04.553 so that would have been '79, and then I started to be advisor to the student body president in 1984
00:00:10.990 when I became the interim director and then the director of student development.
00:00:15.354 The senate role was attending their meetings
00:00:21.619 that last till 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning
00:00:25.189 Yes, and I think they've gotten a little better at not going quite so late.
00:00:33.409 But then when I became director of student development
00:00:38.077 the assistant director became the senate advisor and then I started working with the student body president
00:00:43.423 and worked very closely with that person up until my retirement,
00:00:48.260 and just met an incredible, wonderful, diverse array of student body presidents
00:00:56.455 and it's terrific for me that the library has put some energy into putting their names and their histories online.
00:01:04.411 So they're really an extraordinary group of young people,
00:01:08.906 and the fact that our student body president has a vote and a seat on the board of trustees is a really, really big deal,
00:01:18.560 so they're having some experiences that I think are really remarkable from a policy-making point of view,
00:01:28.963 the fact that they've got a vote. They've got a vote on tuition and fees and whether or not to hire an athletic coach,
00:01:36.763 whether or not to fire an athletic coach; I mean they're really behind the scenes with the vote on really big decisions that impact NC State and life here.