School of Design in the 1960s
Wes McClure was a student in the College of Design in the 1960s, and he discusses the schools programs and philosophy.
Interview on 2014-12-04 00:00:00 -0500
One is it was a multidisciplinary school, so we had architects, landscape architects, and what were then called product designers. Now you’d call them industrial designers.
I think that’s what they’ve changed the name to. We didn’t have graphic design, we didn’t have art and design and some of these other disciplines then, but it was multidisciplinary.
So at the beginning everybody took the same basic design course and to this day I have friends who were in my basic design class, most of whom are retired.
So you were taking classes and exploring design problems with students who were going to go on into other fields, related but still a little bit different.
My freshman design professor was Wayne Taylor and he was really good, kind of
an architect-artist.
In the design professions there’s always this question of whether you are a professional or an artist or both, you know, and how is a designer different from an artist,
so when you’re in basic design you’re really starting at a very basic level, so it’s really more about art. In those days it was.
You honed your drawing skills. I had a drawing professor, Raymond Musselwhite, who was a sculptor but he taught me–. I love to draw, and I’ve drawn since I was – [way] before I went to college.
He taught me more about drawing because it’s about how you see as well as what you do with your hands. It’s kind of hand-eye coordination.
So the foundation years were all about honing those basic skills, getting ready then to use them professionally, and if you were a landscape architect you’d use them one way;
if you’re a product designer you’re going to be looking at designing cars and other things; if you’re an architect you’re going to start to focus on buildings.
So that didn’t happen until really the third year because the second year you got some more cross-disciplinary things, like a landscape studio in my case,
with Professor Phillips, and you got to really be friendly with other students that were in these other disciplines, one who became my partner after I graduated and was a landscape architect.
So you sort of forge some bonds with these other students and with these other disciplines.
One of the things about the design education is, in this multidisciplinary environment, you were doing this cross-disciplinary work
which is a really important foundation for what happens when you get out in practice.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.