Scholars Village

John Coggin discusses what it was like to live in the Scholars Village as an undergraduate.

Interview on 2012-05-30 00:00:00 -0400


00:00:00.000 I still miss dorm life. [Laughs]
00:00:02.489 I loved being around a group. I think there were around nine hundred students in Sullivan,
00:00:07.928 with the dining hall right across a little park area.
00:00:14.434 To be able to constantly be meeting new people through friends
00:00:19.384 to have different groups of friends
00:00:21.627 that you could go out to eat with, go do something with,
00:00:24.212 study with, if that's what you do at school,
00:00:26.221 I loved the community that's built,
00:00:31.039 and I really especially liked being in the Scholars Village
00:00:33.838 because you were also part of the University Scholars program, which
00:00:36.854 which is an enrichment academic program at State that
00:00:40.404 For three years I led a lot of these trips,
00:00:44.682 but you would go to plays and museums and art exhibits.
00:00:48.565 I went to New York. They have trips to Europe.
00:00:52.106 You take what you learn in college and you apply it to the world,
00:00:58.428 and think about how your education can be applied in many different aspects.
00:01:05.089 And as you're living that embodiment of your education
00:01:09.808 you're doing it with these other people and you're also living with those people
00:01:12.625 so you get to talk about it over dinner.
00:01:14.369 You get to hang out in each other's dorm rooms forever and have great conversations.
00:01:18.709 So the community aspect of dormitory life,
00:01:23.957 and especially the scholars' village and villages like it on campus,
00:01:27.258 I think is an incredible part of the college experience.