NC State Students: North Carolina Leaders
James B. Hunt, Jr. discusses how student leaders at NC State differ from those at other universities and ultimately make great leaders for the state of North Carolina.
Interview on 2012-05-29 00:00:00 -0400
But of course I feel very close to NC State
and I know it to be a university where people learn and they get involved in research or whatever.
They do extension, reach out across the state and work with people wherever they live, very different from an academic place that just sits on the campus in their towers, we sometimes say.
And I know that NC State student body presidents generally get a lot of practical knowledge.
Their fellow students are folks who are going to be into vital areas of the economy,
in engineering or textiles or furniture or education, whatever it's going to be, agriculture in particular,
and I want those people to get involved.
Historically the political leaders came from Carolina or Wake Forest, but I know that an education and a participation in life at NC State can prepare you extremely well to be a leader of this state,
I just want NC State students to enjoy their experience, to learn from it, and then to be involved in politics and leadership after they get out.
We've invested a lot in them. They learn a lot, they have a lot of knowledge, they have a lot of practical knowledge; it isn't all just theory with them.
They know something. Many of them graduate in the school of agriculture or engineering, forestry, whatever it may be. So they're the kind of folks that we need and I'm very anxious for them to stay involved in leadership.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.