NC State Pride
James Hankins discusses how much he enjoyed his experiences as an NC State student and a leader in Student Government.
Interview on 2011-07-14 00:00:00 -0400
I love NC State. I loved my experience at NC State.
NC State has a lot of areas I think it needs to improve.
I still have that student government mindset, that senate mindset about myself, about things I'd like to see changed,
but I loved it, I loved my experience, I wouldn't take it back for anything.
I would impress that people have to step outside of their comfort zone,
and once they do, they might not like everything that they experience,
they might not like everything they see,
they might find out that somebody they thought they were close to was not somebody that they knew who they were,
but ultimately it is something that will inform you for the rest of your life
and I would not trade-I say that a lot-but I would not trade NC State, I would not trade my experience at NC State, even the things that happened that ruined my college career
in student government, or whatever, even the things that happened in that case, I wouldn't trade them for anything at this point.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.