Living on Campus
J. Robert Cooke discusses living in dormitories as a student. He lived in Bagwell, Turlington, and Bragaw residence halls, and the last had just opened.
Interview on 2011-08-22 00:00:00 -0400
I was housed the first year in Bagwell Dorm. NC State's admission policy is still to try to give access
to people around the state and they were at that point admitting large numbers of students
with the full expectation they would be gone by Christmas, so I had three people in a two-person room with two closets.
They did move another bed in,but it was pretty miserable. In engineering triangles are very stable structures
but in human relations triangles are not good. We got along okay but it was not one of the best things to do.
Then I lived in Turlington and by that time had found a roommate who was in my field and who remains a friend to this day.
In fact he and I continued on to graduate school here so we were friends as students at NC State for nine years,
so we have deep roots together. Then Bragaw had just been opened, with its boomerang shape and outdoor walkways,
and so I spent the remaining two years there. So I got a good dose of student life and enjoyed living on campus,
and it was not too big a jump from high school here.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.