Greeks United
Brigadier General Jennings describes his involvement as the president of Greeks United, an organization that brought together under a shared mission and values all of the African American fraternities and sororities at NC State.
Interview on 2015-03-27 00:00:00 -0400
All the other Greek organizations are service organizations. So when I came back there were six black Greek organizations,
there was Alpha Kappa Alpha, Delta Sigma Theta, Kappa Alpha Psi, Omega Psi Phi - I don't like to say that - Alpha Phi Alpha, and I think Phi Beta Sigma.
So you had these six almost, I hate to say disparate, but separate organizations out there and somehow or another you need a governing body or something to kind of bring them together
and hopefully they're all working towards the same common goal, and that's what Greeks United, you know, we tried to come up with different names, and that's what Greeks United became.
Well I think I was involved with it from the beginning and I think, as a lack of judgment of the members of that organization, they voted me vice president the first year and I was president after that.
As I said before though, the thing that I think made Greeks United work, because there was-. You know, there's a lot of competition amongst those organizations,
but having a guy like Dr. Tom Stafford that was working with us as our advisor was really beneficial and again, the thing with this organization, it was not a governing body.
It was not to make edicts or dictate to any of those organizations but hopefully just to kind of get them to work together
and to look at things, you know, like say, hey; are we still doing what should be our primary function?
Are we serving the students and helping these students that join your organizations to be successful?
I mean amongst all else that's what we should be about, first and foremost.
So between that, and then after that, you know, all the other things that come with those type things, you know, can we work together on some things.
We started doing some joint service-type projects. Can we do something from all of us together for the benefit of some organizations or some people here in the Raleigh area or some other bigger cause?
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.