Consensus Building in Student Government
Stephen Rea describes the the challenges of consensus building during his term in Student Government.
Interview on 2015-01-26 00:00:00 -0500
The biggest challenge in student government - and it wouldn't just be my experience, it would be others - is trying to consensus-build,
get folks on the same page, if you can, with a goal, with an objective, and to do it honestly and fairly and not try to engage in power plays.
We just didn't do that. We thought we needed to build a consensus, just like when we campaigned.
We built a consensus for folks that wanted us to be in that position and we went out there and we talked to folks.
So we tried to work with the legislature to build consensus for the different initiatives that we had in mind.
That's the biggest challenge, trying to build a consensus within the representatives in student government
to a) is this a good idea, and then b) if we have to fund it, are we willing to spend the money to support it.
So those were the biggest challenges, I think, which is true for any legislative body.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.