Changes in University Administration: Chancellor Woodson
Kelly Hook explains how students, particularly Student Government leaders, respond to changes in university leadership, specifically the installation of Randy Woodson as NC State's chancellor.
Interview on 2012-05-02 00:00:00 -0400
Well the scandal with Mary Easley happened while Jim [Ceresnak] was student body president
and that really defined his tenure
and that's kind of my main memory because he was on WRAL talking as the sole representative of the university for a week, almost.
They were calling him for interviews and he just had to step up to the plate because of that turmoil that the whole campus went through,
and for student government we didn't really know what to do because many of has had spent so long trying to implement a few projects
that were just now making their way up to the chancellor, the original chancellor,
so when the new chancellor came in I think you have two sets of feelings.
One is: Is he going to see the projects that we've already been working on, and that's probably not going to be a priority.
I mean the poor guy has so many things he has to do when he first comes in.
What happens to all the things we'd set in motion that would need to be approved by the chancellor, funded by, hopefully, the university, etcetera?
But on the other hand I think you'd see it as a huge opportunity,
and we definitely saw it as an opportunity because here is a new chancellor that Jim was on the search committee for,
so he helped select that chancellor and he clearly was excited about NC State.
He had a different demeanor, not necessarily better or worse just different,
and in a good way I think for what student government wanted to do student wise.
I mean he came in and as any chancellor probably would he came in wanting to do great things for students,
wanting to hear student concerns, wanting to work with us on these projects and introduce new media, new avenues of communication, and so we saw it, and it was, a great opportunity.
He certainly right off the bat came to the meetings, came and met us all, hosted dinners, hosted socials,
hosted big Brickyard events, Ice Cream Dream, all these things that helped engage the student body
and we got to kind of be his main foundation for what the students expect from [him] as a chancellor.
So it was a great opportunity for me and everybody on student government and the student body as a whole.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.