Campus Changes
Clyda Weeks Lutz talks about the many changes in education and to the NC State campus since she was student in the early 1960s.
Interview on 2012-09-26 00:00:00 -0400
Like I say, the handheld calculator, which you can buy at any drugstore or anything for a dollar,
was about a hundred dollars then. It had no functions but addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
That was what it was, but that was so big. I mean people were so excited about that
because we were used to using a slide rule, and all of a sudden we had something that-.
But a hundred dollars in the '60s was a huge amount of money. Well you know how technology is;
it starts out high and as it's been here awhile the prices go down, down, down. So that's the first thing I see.
Of course seeing girls on campus, I mean to walk out and see all these girls walking across campus is like,
this is not the same place that I went to school. [Laughs] And then all the one-way streets on this campus too.
It was like, good grief. It was like going through a maze to get here today because I was coming from east on Hillsborough St.
and for me to finally figure out how to get to come back and head towards east, it was like, okay.
Even though I'm very familiar with the area I just have not kept up with the one-way streets.
So you see things like that, and all the barriers that you can't drive anywhere you want to on campus without passes.
And of course all the athletic events were held on campus. I think what was our football stadium is now a parking lot.
My classes were in the field house of old Riddick Stadium and we sat right there on the railroad tracks,
and so as the trains would come through the professors would just have to stop.
I mean the building moved with the trains going through. And of course the basketball games were played at Reynolds Coliseum.
So everything was confined right here on campus. The married student housing area, that was new while we were here.
I can remember far back when I was a child when from here west, between here and the textile building,
was prefabricated houses that were built after the Second World War, so those were finally replaced with the married student housing.
We tried to get into that but we couldn't get in or we would have stayed out there,
but it was new and we didn't get our application in, in time. I don't think there was anything
to do with the campus across Western Blvd. at that time. Now the dairy farm, out where the veterinary school is,
that was there, I remember that, and there were some farm extensions, one in Clayton and different places,
but as far as classes being held, I don't think there was anything across Western Blvd. at the time.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.