A Night with Student Government
Brian Lamar Nixon discusses that as NC State student body president he set up particular evenings for college administrators and student government leaders to be available at university dining facilities for students to come ask questions while they ate their meals.
Interview on 2011-09-09 00:00:00 -0400
And one of the things that was kind of obvious to me is that a lot of students, freshmen through seniors, even grad students, because of their busy life,
we don't know our college administrators, don't know our student leaders, and the student leaders obviously don't them until campaign time,
and so one of the things we tried to do is, hey, let's marry this program with University Dining with our student government
where student leaders, myself, the treasurer, attorney general, senators, my staff, we'd all come and we'd invite a handful of leaders across the school.
and we gave them the opportunity to-. We'd sit at the tables and one would be at each table and then we would invite the students to come in.
The meal's free, just sit down and just have a conversation, and let's talk about the topics that are on our campus today and let's hear your point of view.
That means now if you have a problem in student housing, if we've got one of our student housing folks there, or someone from our financial aid office is there
and you've got these questions that you can never get anybody to answer for you, you've got that person right there and they can give you an answer.
Now you might not like the answer but it gives you access and then if you ever go call them up or go to their office then I can have a face to go with a name.
This video is an excerpt from a longer interview. Contact the Special Collections Research Center to request the transcript of the full interview.