This interview took place during the Winter Simulation Conference in Washington, D.C.
Interviewer: Richard E. Nance
Interview place: Washington, D.C.
Interview date: 2013-12-08
Ray J. Paul’s last post before retiring with Parkinson’s Disease was as Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Information Systems at Brunel University (UK). He has been honored with the title, Professor Emeritus by Brunel. He began his current professorship at Brunel in 1992 and was promoted to Professor, and appointed Head of Department. He started his academic career at The London School of Economics and Political Science as a Lecturer, then Senior Lecturer, prior to moving to Brunel in 1992.
Ray Paul’s honors within the field include receiving the rank of 21st in the world amongst experts in simulation systems according to the eH-index (2009); being awarded the title of Companion in Operational Research by The Operational Research Society (2009); and winning the ACM SIGSIM Distinguished Contributions Award (2008). His contributions to the field include more than 350 refereed journal and condensed articles. He was a moving force in the founding of the Journal of Simulation, and served as Editor of the European Journal of Information Systems for 12 years. He has served as President of the UK Academy of Information Systems (UKAIS). Noting the remarkable legacy of 55 students having received the Ph.D. under his supervision, Ray Paul’s influence on simulation and information systems shall extend well into the future.