This interview took place during the Winter Simulation Conference in Berlin, Germany.
Interviewer: Robert G. Sargent and James Wilson
Interview place: Berlin, Germany
Interview date: 2012-12-11
Jack P. C. Kleijnen is an Emeritus Professor of Simulation and Information Systems at Tilburg University. He earned his Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. at Tilburg University and continued his career at Tilburg as an assistant, associate, and full professor; he served as an active member of both the Department of Management and the Operations Research Group of the Center for Economic Research (CentER) in Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM). His area of focus was the statistical design and analysis of experiments with simulation models within numerous disciplines including management science, operations research, and engineering. During his career he served as a consultant for several organizations in Europe and the United States, in addition to serving on numerous international editorial boards and scientific committees. In addition to authoring the book Design and Analysis of Simulation Experiments, he received several honors and awards in his career, including in 2005, when the Simulation Society of the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) awarded him the Lifetime Professional Achievement Award