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Shaw, Luther
Dr. Luther Shaw, extension plant pathologist, delivers a noon-time talk to a group of Johnston County farmers who went on the farm tour. Dinner was served at the home of Mr. Joel A. Johnson, August 10, 1938
Luther Shaw portrait photo
Department of Botany, including Plant Pathology, group photo, 1941
Plant Pathology Departmental Photograph, 1941
Control of fusarium wilt of cotton (Extension Circular No. 233)
January 1939
5 pages
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Why and How to Treat Peanut Seed (War Series Extension Bulletin No. 18)
March 1943
4 pages
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Aromatic Tobacco Production in North Carolina, 1956 (Extension Circular No. 375, Revised)
April 1956
16 pages
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Recommended Pratices for the Production of Burley Tobacco in North Carolina (Extension Circular No. 453)
May 1964
4 pages
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