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North Carolina Agricultural Research Service
Biographical Note:
North Carolina Agricultural Research Service is part of the NCSU School of Agriculture and Life Sciences. Previously, the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station.
Extension Service Research Stations Superintendents group photo
Memorandum to Dr. L. D. Baver from G. K. Middleton regarding regional strain tests
February 13, 1941
2 pages
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Letter to county agents, assistant county agents, and colored agents regarding aprroved hybrid corn seed
March 23, 1944
2 pages
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Leonard D. Baver portrait
Epidemiology of Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Flue-Cured Tobacco in North Carolina (Technical Bulletin 195), Oct. 1969
October 1969
27 pages
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The Biology of the Tobacco Budworm and the Corn Earworm (Technical Bulletin 196), December 1969
77 pages
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The Effects of Increased CO2 Concentrations on Chrysanthemum (C. morifolium) and Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) (Technical Bulletin 194), Dec. 1969
December 1969
17 pages
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A Manual of the Fresh-Water Algae in North Carolina (Technical Bulletin 188), Jan. 1969
January 1969
318 pages
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