Records on the industrial utilization of new crops, 1962-1963
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Folder information
- Title:
- Records on the industrial utilization of new crops, 1962-1963
- Description:
- This folder contains office records related to North Carolina State College's Crop Science Department project for "The Development of New Crops for Industrial Utilization in North Carolina. " The project was established to research potential cash crops for North Carolina farmers, specifically farm products for industrial use. The records include memorandums and correspondence, project summaries, and a cooperative agreement.
- Topics:
- Subjects:
Agricultural development projects
Agriculture -- Research
Crop science
- Original Format:
Multiple materials (materials for groups)
- Item identifier:
- ua100_016-003-bx0028-017-000
- Coverage Date:
- to
- Genre:
Administrative records
- Names:
North Carolina State College. Department of Crop Science
more info on North Carolina State College. Department of Crop Science
- Digital Project:
Cultivating a Revolution
Source information
- Repository:
- Special Collections Research Center at NC State University Libraries
- Collection:
- North Carolina State University, Department of Crop Science Records, 1939-1989 (UA100.016) held by Special Collections Research Center at NC State University Libraries
- Note field:
- Not all materials from the physical collection may have been scanned. Images may have been enhanced for web access.
- Rights:
- For questions regarding copyright or permissions, please refer to our Reproduction, Use, Citation, and Copyright page (
- Funding:
- Digitization of this resource was partially supported with federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds made possible through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources.
Scanned folders from the same box
- Tennessee Valley Authority records related to fertilizer research, 1970-1982
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 1 - Tobacco Seed Committee records, 1959-1961
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 4 - Tobacco Seed Committee records, 1962-1964
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 5 - United States Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases correspondence, 1942-1950
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 7 - Agricultural Research Service Exchange Program, 1975
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 8 - "Cutting and Grazing Management of Alfalfa and Ladino Clover-Grass Mixtures," 1951-1956
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 12 - "The Development of Principles and Practices for the Control of Weeds in Cotton, Peanuts, Soybeans, Forage Crops, Turf and for the Control of Nutsedge, Johnson Grass and Woody Plants," 1954-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 13 - "The Development of Soft Red Winter Wheat Varieties with High Yields of Good Quality Grain and with Resistance to Disease, to Winter Injury and to Lodging," 1951-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 14 - "The Development of Winter Barley Varieties with High Yields of Good Quality Grain and with Resistance to Disease, to Winter Injury and to Lodging,", 1959-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 15 - Agricultural research grant project reports, 1952-1955
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 16 - Records on the industrial utilization of new crops, 1962-1963, Series 3, Box 28, Folder 17 (Current Folder)
- "Hatch H4-A4, Investigations in Weed Control in North Carolina," 1948-1953
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 18 - "Peanut Breeding and Cultural Investigations," 1942-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 19 - Progress reports for North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station projects, 1951-1961
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 20