Tennessee Valley Authority records related to fertilizer research, 1970-1982
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Folder information
- Title:
- Tennessee Valley Authority records related to fertilizer research, 1970-1982
- Description:
- This folder contains records related to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), an organization established by the New Deal in 1933 which continues to assist and innovate in the United States' agrarian research and policies. The TVA participated in efforts with NCSU and other colleges and agricultural organization in fertilizer. The records include meeting and conferences agendas and pamphlets, reports, correspondence and memorandums, informational booklets and pamphlets, a copy of the TVA Today periodical, and other records.
- Topics:
- Subjects:
Associations, institutions, etc.
- Original Format:
Multiple materials (materials for groups)
- Item identifier:
- ua100_016-003-bx0028-001-000
- Coverage Date:
- to
- Genre:
Administrative records
- Names:
Tennessee Valley Authority
more info on Tennessee Valley Authority
- Digital Project:
Cultivating a Revolution
Source information
- Repository:
- Special Collections Research Center at NC State University Libraries
- Collection:
- North Carolina State University, Department of Crop Science Records, 1939-1989 (UA100.016) held by Special Collections Research Center at NC State University Libraries
- Note field:
- Not all materials from the physical collection may have been scanned. Images may have been enhanced for web access.
- Rights:
- For questions regarding copyright or permissions, please refer to our Reproduction, Use, Citation, and Copyright page (http://d.lib.ncsu.edu/collections/about).
- Funding:
- Digitization of this resource was partially supported with federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds made possible through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources.
Scanned folders from the same box
- Tennessee Valley Authority records related to fertilizer research, 1970-1982, Series 3, Box 28, Folder 1 (Current Folder)
- Tobacco Seed Committee records, 1959-1961
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 4 - Tobacco Seed Committee records, 1962-1964
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 5 - United States Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Division of Cereal Crops and Diseases correspondence, 1942-1950
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 7 - Agricultural Research Service Exchange Program, 1975
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 8 - "Cutting and Grazing Management of Alfalfa and Ladino Clover-Grass Mixtures," 1951-1956
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 12 - "The Development of Principles and Practices for the Control of Weeds in Cotton, Peanuts, Soybeans, Forage Crops, Turf and for the Control of Nutsedge, Johnson Grass and Woody Plants," 1954-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 13 - "The Development of Soft Red Winter Wheat Varieties with High Yields of Good Quality Grain and with Resistance to Disease, to Winter Injury and to Lodging," 1951-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 14 - "The Development of Winter Barley Varieties with High Yields of Good Quality Grain and with Resistance to Disease, to Winter Injury and to Lodging,", 1959-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 15 - Agricultural research grant project reports, 1952-1955
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 16 - Records on the industrial utilization of new crops, 1962-1963
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 17 - "Hatch H4-A4, Investigations in Weed Control in North Carolina," 1948-1953
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 18 - "Peanut Breeding and Cultural Investigations," 1942-1959
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 19 - Progress reports for North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station projects, 1951-1961
Series 3, Box 28, Folder 20