Animal Husbandry Projects. Annual Progress reports. Study of Performance Characteristics of Beef Cattle (Dwarfism Genes). E.U. Dillard :: Research Files

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Animal Husbandry Projects. Annual Progress reports. Study of Performance Characteristics of Beef Cattle (Dwarfism Genes). E.U. Dillard :: Research Files
Animal Husbandry Projects. Annual Progress reports. Study of Performance Characteristics of Beef Cattle (Dwarfism Genes). E.U. Dillard :: Research Files
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Annual reports
Digital Project:
Cultivating a Revolution

Source information

Special Collections Research Center at NC State University Libraries
North Carolina State University, Department of Animal Science Records, 1920-2003 (UA100.013) held by Special Collections Research Center at NC State University Libraries
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Digitization of this resource was partially supported with federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds made possible through a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and administered by the State Library of North Carolina, a division of the Department of Cultural Resources.

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