R. W. Graeber demonstrating timber estimation to Stanly farmers

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R. W. Graeber demonstrating timber estimation to Stanly farmers
Transcribed from accompanying note: Farm Forestry Photographs #52. When 30 farmers attend a meeting in the woods teeming with "Chiggers" it shows an interest in "Better management of Farm Woodlands." Graeber has this group of Stanly county farmers studying timber estimating. He is saying, "Fellows before we measure this tree, give us you[r] estimate of its volume." There is a reason for this interest. The man on the extreme left as well as several others in the crowd let a timber buyer "skin" then on recent sales of second growth pine. On a block of .41 acre this group estimates the amount of timber as not to exceed 4,500 to 5,000 board feet. After scaling 132 trees the result showed 9,485 Board feet or 23,134 board feet per acre. It just won't do to guess-measure and be sure what you have.
Community and Extension
Forest management
Forestry extension workers
Lumber -- Measurement
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
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Created Date:
Graeber, R. W. (Robert Walter), 1888-1967 more info on Graeber, R. W. (Robert Walter), 1888-1967 
Stanly County (N.C.)
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs