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Hereford registered bull
Transcribed from information found with original: Mr. L.C. Baum, Jr., who owns Tannenbaum Farms of Poplar Branch, purchased the above Hereford registered bull for his herd, Plato Domino Mixer, from Palmetto Farms, Calhoun Falls, South Carolina. His sire, Plato Domino 1st, was the sire of Real Prince Domino, who was the Grand Champion Polled bull at the Polled Hereford Show held in Des Moines in 1940. This sire was also the sire of the Reserve Champion Steer in the Junior Steer Division in the great Denver Show of 1940. The great great grand sire of the bull was Prince Domino, who is the first bull on the Register of Merit. Plato Domino Mixer is also equally related to Prince Domino Mixer, the son of Prince Domino, who is the second bull on the Register of Merit. In addition, he carries the bloodlines of Seminole Woodford and Woodford 147th who, I understand, sold for $1350 and $9400 respectively.
Community and Extension
Cattle -- Breeding
Forest management
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University Archives Photographs