Large group of the Farm Opportunities and Marketing Caravan in front of TWA airplane

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Large group of the Farm Opportunities and Marketing Caravan in front of TWA airplane
Large group in front of TWA airplane and Agribusiness Caravaners. Transcribed from enclosed letter: July 1, 1959; Dear Fellow California Traveler, You will find enclosed a small print of the group picture of the Farm Opportunities and Marketing Caravan which is being sent in much larger size and nicely framed to fifteen officers of Wachovia. You will also note the folder which will accompany the pictures expressing your appreciation to them. On behalf of Dr. Collins, Mr. Hollowell, Dr. Bennett, the several county agents, and myself, we want to express the appreciation of the School of Agriculture for this opportunity to share in a pleasant and challenging experience with you. We shall look forward to working with you in many other ways to extend the frontiers of our progress in North Carolina. In the event you would like to have a large picture (16" x 20" unframed) they may be obtained from Dr. Landis Bennett, Visual Aids Department, N. C. State College, for $4.50 each. My very best wishes to you. Sincerely yours, D. W. Colvard, Dean of Agriculture
Community and Extension
Agriculture -- North Carolina
People associated with agriculture
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
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Group portraits
Trans World Airlines more info on Trans World Airlines 
North Carolina State College. School of Agriculture more info on North Carolina State College. School of Agriculture 
Raleigh-Durham Airport (N.C.)
Morrisville (N.C.)
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs