Governor Scott and District Forestry Extension Specialist Walter M. Keller measure one of the largest pines in the 3/4-acre plantation

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Governor Scott and District Forestry Extension Specialist Walter M. Keller measure one of the largest pines in the 3/4-acre plantation
Transcribed from information found with original: Governor Scott and District Forestry Extension Specialist Walter M. Keller measure one of the largest pines in the 3/4-acre plantation. This tree was 16 inches in diameter outside bark at breast height. It will yield three and a half 16-foot sawlogs. Present sale value on the stump is approximately $8.10
Community and Extension
Forestry extension workers
Forests and forestry -- North Carolina
Forests and forestry -- Valuation
Governors -- North Carolina
Trees -- Measurement
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
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North Carolina State College. School of Forestry more info on North Carolina State College. School of Forestry 
Scott, William Kerr, 1896-1958 more info on Scott, William Kerr, 1896-1958 
Keller, Walter M. more info on Keller, Walter M. 
North Carolina. Governor more info on North Carolina. Governor 
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs