Governor W. Kerr Scott watches forestry extension specialist and forester check the age of a pine using an increment borer

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Governor W. Kerr Scott watches forestry extension specialist and forester check the age of a pine using an increment borer
Transcribed from information found with original: Governor Scott (left) and District Forestry Extension Specialist Keller (behind tree) look on as John L. Gray, state extension forester, checks the age of one of the planted pines with an increment borer. The tree showed 59 growth rings at this height. For the first three years no growth rings were formed at this height. Therefore, the tree's total age was approximately 62 years.
Community and Extension
Forestry extension workers
Forests and forestry -- Equipment and supplies
Forests and forestry -- North Carolina
Governors -- North Carolina
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
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North Carolina State College. School of Forestry more info on North Carolina State College. School of Forestry 
Scott, William Kerr, 1896-1958 more info on Scott, William Kerr, 1896-1958 
Gray, John, 1920-2007 more info on Gray, John L., 1920-2007 
North Carolina. Governor more info on North Carolina. Governor 
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs