Turkey poult, hatched from an unfertilized egg at the Agricultural Research Center at Beltsville, Md.

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Turkey poult, hatched from an unfertilized egg at the Agricultural Research Center at Beltsville, Md.
Transcribed from back: United States Department of Agriculture Office of Information. Dr. Marlow V. Olsen, poultry scientist of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, finds this parthenogenetic turkey poult weak and under weight when 4 ½ days old. Hatched from an unfertilized egg, the poult is creating a new chapter in poultry history at the Agricultural Research Center at Beltsville, Md. Dr. Olsensand his associates hope to raise the poult to maturity. If they succeed, the turkey will be used as a breeder to test against normal breeders to determines the incidence of parthogenesis and whether it is hereditary . N-17361. Please credit USDA photo.
Community and Extension
Animal science
Poultry -- Breeding
Reproduction, Asexual
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
Item identifier:
United States. Department of Agriculture more info on United States. Department of Agriculture 
Created Date:
circa to
Agricultural Research Center (Beltsville, Md.) more info on Agricultural Research Center (Beltsville, Md.) 
Beltsville (Md.)
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs