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School of Agriculture group photo
Transcribed from accompanying material: 1. Jackson A. Rigney; 2. Bertram W. Wells; 3. C. Horace Hamilton; 4. Donald B. Anderson; 5. Zeno P. Metcalf; 6. Richard J. Preston; 7. William E. Colwell; 8. Gertrude Cox; 9. William J. Peterson; 10. Roy S. Dearstyne; 11. Dean W. Colvard; 12. Garnet W. Forster; 13. Monroe E. Gardner; 14. G. Wallace Giles; 15. Ralph W. Cummings; 16. John W. Goodman; 17. David S. Weaver; 18. Ira O. Schaub; 19. James H. Hilton; 20. Carey H. Bostian; 21. John W. Harrelson; [circa] 1951-1952
University History
Agricultural education
Universities and colleges -- Faculty
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
Item identifier:
Created Date:
circa to
Group portraits
North Carolina State College. School of Agriculture more info on North Carolina State College. School of Agriculture 
Rigney, J. A. (Jackson Ashcraft), 1913-1998 more info on Rigney, J. A. (Jackson Ashcraft), 1913-1998 
Wells, B. W. (Bertram Whittier), 1884-1978 more info on Wells, B. W. (Bertram Whittier), 1884-1978 
Hamilton, C. Horace more info on Hamilton, C. Horace (Charles Horace), 1901-1977 
Anderson, Donald B., 1899-1994 more info on Anderson, Donald B., 1899-1994 
Metcalf, Z. P. (Zeno Payne), 1885-1956 more info on Metcalf, Z. P. (Zeno Payne), 1885-1956 
Colwell, William E. (William Earle), 1915- more info on Colwell, William E. (William Earle), 1915- 
Preston, Richard J. (Richard Joseph), 1905-2001 more info on Preston, Richard J. (Richard Joseph), 1905-2001 
Cox, Gertrude M. more info on Cox, Gertrude M. 
Peterson, W. J. (Walter John), 1909-1980 more info on Peterson, W. J. (Walter John), 1909-1980 
Dearstyne, R. S. (Roy Styring), 1889-1960 more info on Dearstyne, R. S. (Roy Styring), 1889-1960 
Colvard, Dean W., 1913-2007 more info on Colvard, Dean W., 1913-2007 
Forster, G. W. more info on Forster, G. W. (Garnet Wolsey), 1887-1961 
Gardner, M. E. (Monroe Evans), 1895-1975 more info on Gardner, M. E. (Monroe Evans), 1895-1975 
Giles, G. W. (George Wallace), 1910-2003 more info on Giles, G. W. (George Wallace), 1910-2003 
Cummings, Ralph W., 1911-2001 more info on Cummings, Ralph W., 1911-2001 
Goodman, John W. more info on Goodman, John W. 
Weaver, David S. (David Stathem), 1896-1966 more info on Weaver, David S. (David Stathem), 1896-1966 
Schaub, I. O. more info on Schaub, I. O. (Ira Obed), 1880-1971 
Hilton, James H. more info on Hilton, James H. (James Harold), 1899-1982 
Bostian, C. H. (Carey Hoyt), 1907-2000 more info on Bostian, C. H. (Carey Hoyt), 1907-2000 
Harrelson, J. W. (John William), 1885-1955 more info on Harrelson, J. W. (John William), 1885-1955 
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs