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Honey house destroyed by fire
Transcribed from accompanying material: May 2, 1932; Made by C. L. Sams; Honey House Destroyed by Fire; Columbus County; Eli Winesett investigating his 45 farm simplicity honey extractor after a fire which destroyed his honey house and about $2000 worth of beekeeping supplies and equipment at Whiteville, NC. Just back of Mr. Winesett is a mammoth honey tank which held several tons of honey. The tank is now on its side. Another honey tank of about equal size was also lost in the fire. The fire was caused by sending a boy to light the oil stove to make steam for uncapping a truck load of honey. The truck and load of honey was moved in time to save them.; Transcribed from back: Another view of the remains of the fire which destroyed the honey house of Eli Winesett of Whiteville, NC. The honey tank may be seen in this. The tank was about 10 feet high and turned over during the fire.
North Carolina History
Agricultural education
Bee culture
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
Item identifier:
Sams, C. L. more info on Sams, C. L. 
Created Date:
Whiteville (N.C.)
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs