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Folder information

"L" - General, 1956
University History
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Scanned folders from the same box

  1. Foundations, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 1
  2. Fund for the Advancement of Education, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 2
  3. "G" - General, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 3
  4. General Studies, School of, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 4
  5. Gifts to College, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 5
  6. Governor Luther H. Hodges correspondence, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 6
  7. Graduate School, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 7
  8. "H" - General, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 8
  9. Higher Education, Board of, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 9
  10. Honorary Degrees, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 10
  11. Institute of Statistics, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 11
  12. Kerr Dam, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 12
  13. "L" - General, 1956, Series 1, Box 12, Folder 13 (Current Folder)
  14. Library, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 14
  15. "M" - General, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 15
  16. Maintenance and Operations Divisions, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 16
  17. "N" - General, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 17
  18. Naval Reserve Training Center, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 18
  19. Nuclear Reactor, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 19
  20. Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Studies, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 20
  21. "P" - General, 1956
    Series 1, Box 12, Folder 21