Wolf Tales Recording with Gunseli Unsuz and Hany Gaballa: FLE400, 23 October 2018

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Wolf Tales Recording with Gunseli Unsuz and Hany Gaballa: FLE400, 23 October 2018
This recording was conducted as part of FLE 400: American English pronunciation for International Students with Professor Mary Michaels Estrada in October 2018, in the D.H. Hill Jr. Library. Gunseli Unsuz, from Turkey, and Hany Gaballa, from Egypt, share their first moments arriving in Raleigh and on campus, and the different struggles each faced learning a new language and bringing their families to a new country. The two compare their cultures with American life, as well as each others', citing major differences in food and climate. Gunseli is pursuing a master’s degree in Economics, and Hany is studying for a PhD in Sustainable Energy, but both agree that N.C. State is a premier university in America, and that North Carolina is a beautiful place to live. The two have enjoyed their respective times spent travelling around the state and in America, to places like Washington D.C. and the Smoky Mountains. Though they miss their lives in Turkey and Egypt, they have felt lucky to encounter kind people at NC State that have helped them along the way. [Preferred citation: Wolf Tales recording with Gunseli Unsuz and Hany Gaballa, 23 October 2018, NCSU Libraries Wolf Tales Recordings, MC 00581, Special Collections Research Center, North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh, NC]
Student Life
Students, Foreign
Original Format:
Digital video recording, sound, color
Item identifier:
North Carolina State University. Libraries more info on North Carolina State University. Libraries 
Unsuz, Gunseli more info on Unsuz, Gunseli 
Gaballa, Hany more info on Gaballa, Hany 
Created Date:
Oral histories (Document genres)
North Carolina State University -- Students more info on North Carolina State University -- Students 
Unsuz, Gunseli more info on Unsuz, Gunseli 
Gaballa, Hany more info on Gaballa, Hany 
Raleigh (N.C.)
Digital Project:
Wolf Tales