Trans-Species Unlimited protest marches against animal experimentation and stores selling fur garments

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Trans-Species Unlimited protest marches against animal experimentation and stores selling fur garments
This video features a marches by the animal rights activist group Trans-Species Unlimited, for a "Direct Action for Animal Liberation." The first march featured was held to to protest animal experimentation at the College of Staten Island. The second march was against a Bloomingdale's store for selling fur garments. At both events, the participants chant and hold signs with slogans.
Animal Protection
Animal experimentation
Animal rights activists
Fur garments -- Protest movements
Fur trade -- Protest movements
Original Format:
VHS cassette tape, sound, color
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College of Staten Island more info on College of Staten Island 
Trans-Species Unlimited more info on Trans-Species Unlimited 
New York (N.Y.)
Staten Island (New York, N.Y.)