- Millis, James H., Mr. & Mrs. Residence (High Point, N.C.)49
- Ellsleigh Estate (Biltmore Forest, N.C.)24
- Mr. and Mrs. John Erwin Ramsay, Sr. Residence (Salisbury, N.C.)7
- Holloway-Reeves Office Building (Raleigh, N.C.)6
- Negro Branch Library (Salisbury, N.C.)6
- William M. Weber Residence (Raleigh, N.C.)5
- Anna B. and W. Frazier Baldwin Residence (Winston-Salem, N.C.)4
- Burlington Nuclear Reactor Laboratories, NC State University (Raleigh, N.C.)3
- Mr. & Mrs. Ralph B. Reeves Residence (Raleigh, N.C.)3
- Mr. & Mrs. Walter Noneman Residence (Raleigh, N.C.)3
- Our Savior Lutheran Church (Raleigh, N.C.)3
- Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Main Central Office Building (Salisbury, N.C.)3
- McCormack Residence (Lexington, Tenn.)2
- Mr. and Mrs. Haywood Jones Residence (Zebulon, N.C.)2
- Office Building for Northwestern Mutual Insurance Company, Midwestern Department (Arlington Heights, Ill.)2
- BB&T Co. Bank (Raleigh, N.C.)1
- Dr. and Mrs. Morley Kare Residence (Raleigh, N.C.)1
- Maud F. Gatewood Residence (Chapel Hill, N.C.)1
- Price Music Center, NC State University (Raleigh, N.C.)1
- R. E. Lasater Cottage (Roaring Gap, N.C.)1