- Graeber, R. W. (Robert Walter), 1888-196718
- Wells, B. W. (Bertram Whittier), 1884-197818
- North Carolina State College. School of Forestry16
- Biltmore Forest School13
- Biltmore Estate (Asheville, N.C.)11
- North Carolina State University. Student Media6
- Carolina & Northwestern Railway4
- Chicago Projecting Company4
- Mattox, John D.4
- North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service3
- Cross & Dimmitt2
- Mattoon, Wilbur R.2
- Slingerland, Effie Brown Earll2
- United States. Bureau of Forestry2
- Bean, Samuel Isaac, 1867-19471
- Buchman, Tim1
- Corbin, John T., circa 1871-19551
- Cress, John D.1
- Guastavino, Rafael, 1842-19081
- Hunt, Richard Howland1