NC State University Libraries' Digital Program is a collaborative effort between Digital Library Initiatives (DLI) and the Special Collections Research Center (SCRC). Resources made available through this site were digitized with the support of the Libraries; the State Library of North Carolina, through their administration of federal Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds made possible through grants from the Institute of Museum and Library Services; and the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), through its Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives awards program, which is generously supported by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The Digital Program would like to acknowledge the following institutions, with which we have partnered on multiple digital projects: the Asheville Art Museum, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals® (ASPCA®), the F. D. Bluford Library at North Carolina A&T State University, the J. Murrey Atkins Library Special Collections at UNC Charlotte, the North Carolina State Archives, Preservation North Carolina, and the State Library of North Carolina. This site was designed and developed by Jason Ronallo (DLI) and Brian Dietz (SCRC).
NC State University Libraries Digital Collections: Rare and Unique Materials is a Ruby on Rails application utilizing the Blacklight plugin for Solr-powered search. For information on the technologies behind this site, please visit our project page for details.
Questions or comments about the materials represented on this site can be sent to the NCSU Libraries' Special Collections Research Center at Questions related to the development of the application can be sent to Brian Dietz and Jason Ronallo at
The NC State University Libraries provides digitized materials from its collections as part of its mission to support the teaching and research needs of the university community and partners. These guidelines apply to the reproduction of digital copies of materials held by NC State University Libraries and its Special Collections Research Center.
Because of the nature of the NC State University Libraries’ Special Collections, copyright or other information about restrictions may be difficult or even impossible to determine despite reasonable efforts. The NC State University Libraries claims only physical ownership of most Special Collections materials.
Materials on this site are made available for use in research, teaching and private study. The digital reproductions have been made available through an evaluation of public domain status, permissions from the rights’ holders, and authorization under the law including fair use as codified in 17 U.S.C. § 107. Although these materials are publicly accessible for these limited purposes, they may not all be in the public domain. Users are responsible for determining if permission for re-use is necessary and for obtaining such permission. Should a rightsholder present a verifiable claim of ownership in the work, the Libraries will work with them to determine the best course of action to balance their claim with the university's public mission. Individuals who have concerns about online access to specific content should contact the holding repository. NC State University Libraries' Special Collections Research Center can be contacted at
Users may freely reproduce (print or download) from NC State University Libraries’ Digital Collections, provided the intended purpose is for use in teaching, research, or private study, and provided that proper attribution is made to the NC State University Libraries as the source of the materials.
Users should contact the NC State University Libraries at for permission to reproduce materials from the digital collections for electronic or print publication, exhibition, broadcast, product licensing, or other commercial use. Reproduction and use fees may apply.
NC State University Libraries requests that materials reproduced from its digital collections be properly cited, regardless of use. Citations should include the resource’s creator; title; collection name and number; repository; day the resource was viewed; the page URL on which the resource appears; and the source of the resource, "NC State University Libraries’ Digital Collections: Rare and Unique Materials". This information, when known, is included in the description that appears below images. Please refer to the appropriate citation guides to determine formatting of the citation.
We ask that users who embed images on other web sites please link back to the page on which the image appears on this site.
The NC State University Libraries has partnered frequently with other institutions to make digital materials available online to the public. NC State University Libraries is not able to grant permission to use or reproduce such materials. In cases where a digital image is a copy of a resource held by another institution, NC State University Libraries has made available the contact information of the holding repository. We strongly encourage users to contact those institutions for permission to use or reproduce materials from their holdings.
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