Marshall Jennings Gardner

Marshall Jennings Gardner served as the fourteenth president of NC State's Student Council. Gardner, a Greensboro, North Carolina native, held membership in various campus organizations, including the Publications Board and the Glee Club. In April 1933 Gardner campaigned for the Student Government secretarial office, however he lost the election; by default, Gardner was automatically elected treasurer. Following his term as treasurer, Gardner ran for the presidency and won the election in spring 1934. While serving as student body president, Garner helped "promote friendliness" through his membership on the school spirit committee. Gardner also implemented a new honor system that relied on the use of student proctors. Marshall Gardner graduated from NC State in 1935 with a degree in chemistry.


Years at State

Student Body President, 1934-1935


Under President Gardner’s leadership, the Student Council voted to abolish the honor system and implement a new system, which called for the use of student proctors. The Honor System originated in 1921 and lasted until Gardner implemented the new proctor system in 1934. Gardner declared, “We are not doing away with honor. We are not trying to hinder the process of character development. We are merely trying to give honest students a more wholesome atmosphere in which they may carry on their scholastic work, by discouraging dishonest practices at all times.”

In January 1935, Student Council ruled that only seniors could vote in student trials, such as trials of Honor Code violations. Five seniors, one from each school, voted while President Gardner presided over the proceedings. Student Council explained the reasoning for the change stating seniors were “more capable” of handling the cases.


Technician (21 April 1933, 16 November 1934)

1935 Agromeck