Frederick Carr Davis

Frederick Carr Davis served as Student Body Vice President at North Carolina State University for the 1927-1928 semesters. He was known as a “likeable fellow” who was an expert on cigars. During the senior class _Agromeck_ preparation, Davis was tied for the position of “most energetic” student on campus.


Years at State

Student Government Vice President, 1927-1928


Student government at this time was struggling with how to punish freshmen students who violated the student code. In 1927, an editorial in the Technician argued that the current punishment of forcing the student being punished to run through a gauntlet of Sophomores armed with leather whips was not in keeping with university standards, and that a more modern method of punishment needed to be found.

The gauntlet was eventually abolished in February of the next year, by a vote of 104 to 63. Those arguing against the gauntlet noted that even the state prisons had long since forbidden the whipping of prisoners.


Agromeck (1928), 81.

“State Has Full Quota of Collegiate Fords” Technician Vol. 8, No. 4 (October 15 1927), 1.

“Superlatives Are Chosen At Senior Class Meet Thurs.” Technician Vol. 8, No. 11 (December 3 1927), 1.

“Punishment” Technician Vol. 8, No. 11 (December 3 1927), 4

“Gauntlet Abolished Here By Student Body Vote” Technician Vol. 8, No. 16 (February 4 1928), 1-2.