Charles Morris Matthews

Charles Morris Matthews served as Vice-President for the North Carolina State University Student Body for the 1936-1937 academic year after being defeated by Lloyd Brown in the race for student body president. In early 1937 he was elected best student from the Agricultural School by the senior class.


Years at State

Student Government Vice President, 1936-1937


In November of 1936 the Forestry students at NC State all went into the woods near Meredith College and began a lie-telling contest, each one after the other spinning larger and larger fantastic yarns. The Technician reported on the event in a playful style, noting that the immense amount of hot air built up by the storytelling students nearly caused a terrible explosion.


Agromeck (1937), 88.

“It’s Dangerous” Technician Vol. XVI, No. 21 (April 3 1936), 1.

“Reporter Aghast As Foresters Lie On Sundry Topics” Technician Vol. XVII, No. 8 (November 6 1936), 3.

“Seniors Convene Amidst Hilarity To Elect Group” Technician Vol. XVII, No. 14 (January 15 1937), 1.

“Students Make Machinery At Savings of Over $3,000” Technician Vol. XVII, No. 17 (February 1937), 2.