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Vice commandant's award
Transcribed from photograph: Presented on 1 July 1967 to AFROTC Cadet Wayne Mayfield, son of Mr. and Mrs H E Mayfield, Route 5, Jacksonville, North Carolina. Mayfeild was chosen as the most outstanding cadet of the 24 in his flight at the AFROTC Field Training Unit at Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio from 4 June 1967 to 1 July 1967. Completion of the AFROTC Field Training Encampment is a prerequisite for commissioning as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force. Cadet Mayfield is a student at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, where he is a cadet of AFROTC Detachment 5959. Shown in the piuctue (left to right) are: Lt. Col. C. F. Whiffen, Field Training Commander; Ma.j Gen. K. O. Sanborn, Chief of Staff, AFLC and Cadet Mayfield.
Student Life
Armed Forces -- Officers
Military cadets
Original Format:
Black and white print (photograph)
8 x 10 inches
Item identifier:
Created Date:
United States. Air Force ROTC more info on United States. Air Force ROTC 
Digital Project:
University Archives Photographs